
Qualitative research (PUBH6013)


Australia has seen advances in the field of education and with each new session, several students are joining the Australian universities. The research is conducted to understand the causes and effects of the growing trend of alcohol consumption among students in Adelaide, Australia. The qualitative data has been collected through an interview structured to ask a few questions related to the various aspect of the drinking habit among the students (Hart & Burns, 2016).

Research question: What are the international student attitudes and experiences of alcohol consumption in Adelaide, Australia?

The grounded research theory has been adapted to conduct in-depth research on the topic. The data is derived by a systematic method of primary research which has resulted in a collection of qualitative data. It is the method of data analysis that requires the construction of a theory through systematic data gathering and analysis. The grounded theory is a justified choice for this research work as it connects with the qualitative data and its implications (Noble & Mitchell, 2016). The method applied to gather the qualitative data is to conduct a structured interview from a sample size of four people. These are immigrant students in Adelaide, Australia. The interviews are taken on zoom calls or face to face mode as per the convenience of the interviewee. In this report, an analysis based on the themes that can be formed based on the data collected has been made.


Participant details: The student interviewed under the above method about the mentioned method of research belongs to a foreign student who moved to Adelaide, Australia. They have been belonging to different ethnicities, financial conditions, and groups of people.

Results and analysis: Based on the interview questions asked to the group during the interview, the themes of the research have been taken down which will be made as a basis for further research. These themes are described as:

  1. General drivers motivate the young students toward drinking.
  2. Impact of alcohol consumption on studies.
  • Impact of alcohol consumption on health.
  1. Positive aspects of alcohol consumption on any aspect of the student’s life

General drivers motivating the young students toward drinking: The participants are asked about the key factors that give them the urge or cause them to opt for drinking alcohol. The purpose was to understand the root cause of deciding to drink alcohol. All the participants had a somewhat common idea of the cause of drinking.

“The reasons for student alcohol consumption are wide availability of alcohol on campus, increased social pressure to drink, and academic-related stress.”

“One of the biggest reasons I think that students consume alcohol is stress.”

“It is usually used as a stress buster as students have a hectic schedule. Students usually consume it to socialize and celebrate the weekends and other special occasions. Except few who are addicted and consume it out of an uncontrollable urge, most of them consume alcohol as a source of entertainment and relieve themselves from stress.”

“The students drink and consider alcohol as a mode of escapism and find people with similar issues in their lives. “

Impact of alcohol consumption on studies: The participants were asked questions to find out the relation between alcohol consumption and the performance of the student on the academic front. The question also checks the awareness of a sane mind on the academics that are the main aim of then studying in Australia.

“Yes, according to me alcohol consumption has a really bad impact on student health. Sometimes, due to an overdose of alcohol they missed their class which affect their attendance.”

Impact of alcohol consumption on health: This was asked the participants to check whether they realize the importance of good health and the impact of either light or heavy drinking. The opinions were as follows:

“Alcohol consumption in students impacts their studies as it leads to dizziness, loss of coordination, diarrhoea, vomiting, lack of judgment, or even passing out.”

“No, there are not any benefits/positive effects on students.”

“I think sometimes when consumed in proportion it can be useful in a better socializing and stress relieving. Especially with those of introverted nature, they get to interact with the people during drinks. It can also act as a stress reliever when the portion is controlled.”

“This happens especially with those who are addicted and consume it frequently, several times in a week. This makes them hungover for the next day and they are unable to focus on their classes and studies. The students I know from the college who are addicted to alcohol usually are late for submitting their assignments and score poor grades.”

Positive aspects of alcohol consumption on any aspect of the student’s life: Under this section, the purpose was to find out whether the consumption of alcohol brings anything positive for the students. Except for one participant, all the other had a common view based on their general observation.

“Moderate consumption of alcohol can reduce risk of developing and dying of heart disease and also diabetes.”

“No, there are not any benefits/positive effects on students.”

“I think sometimes when consumed in proportion it can be useful in a better socializing and stress relieving. Especially with those of introverted nature, they get to interact with the people during drinks. It can also act as a stress reliever when the portion is controlled. “


Based on the above results and the themes developed, there can be vital information drawn which would also serve as an answer to the research questions. The responses received are analysed under the themes decided in the following manner:

General drivers motivate the young students toward drinking: It was found from most of the answers that some of the major causes of increased alcohol consumption habits were the freedom from parent supervision, the need to socialize and destress from the tough schedule running throughout the week. The answers of most of the individuals in the group indicated that staying away from families and being stressed work together to make the youth rely on alcohol to relax and enjoy the leisure time they get.

Impact of alcohol consumption on studies: The common answers indicated that the students who overindulge in the habit of drinking alcohol are often distracted from their studies. It impacts their health and mental wellness which results in a reduced focus on their studies and unable to perform well in exams.

Impact of alcohol consumption on health: The answers were of the same view that the student when not cautious while getting drunk may cause harm to his health. The aftereffect of drinking causes temporary fatigue, dizziness, and vomiting. The term is popularly known as the hangover which can cause temporary poor health. Long term consumption of alcohol as said by the interviewees causes fatal health issues.

Positive aspects of alcohol consumption on any aspect of the student’s life: Apart from a temporary stress buster, there were no notable benefits of consumption of alcohol. The sample did not acknowledge any notable benefit apart from this from the consumption of alcohol.

Previous studies have found a positive association between the consumption of alcohol and related harm (Hart & Burns, 2016). The university environment also causes motivation for drinking among undergraduate students. The study also suggests that he is drinking was also pursued as a personal and social advantage and that causes participants to get motivated towards the habit and culture (Hllett, Macmanus, & Maycock, 2014). It has also been observed that the students adjusted their drinking choices as per the payment capacity. Thus, the literature also supports the facts stated by the interviewee regarding the consumption of alcohol.


Through completing the requirements of this assignment I have learned many requirements of the research process and how it should be conducted to gain optimum results. I have learned to design and conduct an interview and also lookout for a suitable sample for a qualitative survey. I learned to interact with the students and get their views on the topic. During the interview, the students were required to be made comfortable and trust me to share their views. The topic is somewhat personal and sensitive, so at times it appeared that the student was not willing to provide full information. I have learned to use the raw data collected in the form of answers from the sample and collate them in a meaningful form. It gave me a clear insight into how the data collected can be used to present meaningfully. Connecting the information so collected with the existing literary work also showed how the data can be applied and checked for its effectiveness in the research. In my view the insights that the research could have been improved by researching some more detailed data that can establish the cause and effect relationship more effectively.


Hart, E., & Burns, S. (2016). The relationship between alcohol consumption and related harm among young university students. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 15-20.

Hllett, J., Macmanus, A., & Maycock, B. (2014). “Excessive Drinking—An Inescapable Part of University Life?” A Focus Group Study of Australian Undergraduates. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Noble, H., & Mitchell, G. (2016). What is grounded theory? . Retrieved from ebn.bmj.com: https://ebn.bmj.com/content/19/2/34


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